GUIDE: Facebook Ads
GUIDE: Facebook Ads
Struggling with Facebook Ads? With all the misinformation out there, we thought a guide that shows you exactly how we got from 0 to £50k per month might help brand owners who can't get it to work or are just starting out.
We use a lot more complicated techniques now as the revenues are over 10x that amount but I wouldn't have been able to get to this point without doing this part first! It's all about taking the right steps at the right time in your journey.
Here's what you'll get:
Inside this guide is the basic steps to creating a Facebook "funnel" that gets you new and repeat sales.
- How set up Facebook ads perfectly
- How to build campaigns that convert
- The exact ad structure/ funnel we used to scale
- What creative to use in each part of the funnel
Bonus: Free GRADUATR access
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